5 Fun Flower Food Facts

Before getting to all the fun flower food facts, I’m going to start (and then finish) this post with a safety note.

CAUTION: With all flowers do not assume the variety you have is the edible variety. Check with an expert before you consume. Once you have positive confirmation you have the right variety of the right flower, follow the general safety rules for edible flowers that I wrote about HERE.

With that in mind, here are five fun flower food facts….

Five Things to Know About Remembrance Day Poppies

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - Remembrance Day. The day World War I ended and the day we remember and acknowledge those who lost their lives in war. As the years go by, it’s more important than ever that we don’t forget those who went before us and what they sacrificed for us. As this is a blog about all things floral, I’m sharing …

Nine Flowers and Facts you may be Surprised to Learn

We all love flowers. They’re a gift to us from nature, that we re-gift by giving to others. They’re beautiful and colourful, and fragrant, and they put a smile on our face. They’re also really interesting! I’ve chosen nine flowers to share some fun facts about.

1 - Sunflowers: Young sunflowers move throughout the day, following the sun from east to west. Why does this happen? It has to do with the growth of the sunflowers. It’s a result of …

3 Reasons Why Pink Flowers Are So Popular

It’s time to once again visit our floral rainbow , this time focusing on the colour pink.

If I could choose only one colour flower to have for the rest of my life, without a doubt I would choose pink. And it turns out I’m not the only one who feels this way, as pink is one the most popular colour choices for fresh flowers. Here are three reasons why …

Four Facts About Marigolds - October's Birth Month Flower

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of October is the Marigold.

I’ve always thought of marigolds as those little flowering plants you put in your garden to keep the insects away – at least when I was growing up that’s what we used them for. I never once thought of them as a decorative flower. But I’ve learned a lot recently including …

9 Fun Facts about September's Flower - the Aster

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of September is the aster.

Asters have never been a flower I’ve swooned over, but lately, I’ve been won over by their autumnal charm. More and more I’m drawn to flowers when they’re blooming locally in season, and asters are a …