Mary Kelava



3 Ways Having Flowers in Your Office Improves Business

3 Ways Having Flowers in Your Office Improves Business

Whether you work from home, have a corner office, or share a communal space, there are multiple benefits to having flowers in your work environment. You may think that something as simple as a couple of flowers couldn’t possibly make a difference. But you’d be wrong! Here are three ways your business will improve just by starting this simple habit:

Less sick days:

Major universities, (Harvard; University of North Florida), have conducted studies that prove flowers significantly reduce stress. Just a vase with a few stems of flowers on the corner of your desk will give your eyes a place to rest throughout the day and provide a moment of calm. This brief encounter with the natural world is all it takes to help decrease stress and anxiety. Decreased stress and anxiety, means less time taken off work. Less time taken off work saves you time and money.

A happy workforce:

Business experts say the key to having a successful business is to have a happy workforce. Research shows having flowers in your work environment will automatically enhance the mood of whoever sees them. It’s almost a subconscious reaction. You see the flowers, your mood brightens, and that positive feeling stays with you throughout the day. Happy workers = successful business.

Increased productivity:

This is a big one. If you have a business, productivity is everything. Studies show both men and women who are exposed to flowers at work have more innovative thinking, creativity, problem-solving skills, and a stronger memory recall. All these benefits increase the overall productivity accomplished at work.

If you’re ready to improve your business by adding flowers to your office but don’t know where to begin , take a look at my previous blog post, Happy and Healthy at Work with Flowers . You’ll find many suggestions on how to easily get started. One thing I can guarantee - you’ll never regret you did!

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