Flowers From the Farmers Market

When it’s time for some flowers there are many places you can go to get them. Your local florist, flower farms, farmer’s markets, grocery stores, corner shops, and of course your own garden. All of them (yes, even the corner shop) have their benefits. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll look at each one of them. Today’s focus is on the farmer’s market.

It’s farmers’ market time! Farmers markets have been …

Flowers from the Corner Shop

When it’s time for some flowers there are many places you can go to get them; your local florist, flower farms, farmer’s markets, grocery stores, corner shops and of course your own garden. All of them (yes, even thecorner shop) have their benefits. In the upcoming weeks we’ll look at each one of them. Today’s focus is…

Gladiolus - The Flower for August

Every month has a specific flower assigned to - it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of August is the gladiolus.

Gladiolus is a dramatic, striking-looking flower. Its tall, elegant stems are topped with multiple flower blossoms with frilly, ruffled edges. ‘Glads’, as they’re fondly referred to, come in …

Flowers and Honey

One fun way in which flowers make life better is through honey.

By now you realize that I love all things related to flowers – and that includes honey. In fact, I’m starting to get obsessed with it! I’m still at the beginning of my …

Purple Flowers

Having flowers in your environment enhances your surroundings. The colour of the flowers you choose plays a big role in what mood you create and what emotions you evoke. It’s time to explore the effect purple flowers can have on your day.

Purple is one of the most popular colour choices for flowers. Its shades range from …

Larkspur - July's Flower

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of July is larkspur.

Larkspur may not be one of the most familiar flowers, but never the less, it is the flower for the month of July. For me, larkspur is quite fitting for July, as it represents …

Lovely Lavender

Lavender – the magical herb. Loved by bees, butterflies and humans. It’s fragrant, calming and surprisingly versatile in the culinary world.

Lavender has one of the most recognized floral fragrances. It’s mild, mellow, and sweet with herbal undertones, used in everything from …

Roses- Part 2

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of June is the rose.

This is part two of “Getting to Know Roses”. Part 1 looked at how roses get their names and their meanings in the language of flowers. Now we’re going to compare ‘standard’ roses to ‘garden’ roses, and I’ll share tips and tricks on …

How Does a Rose Get its Name?

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’. The flower for the month of June is the rose.

The world has a love affair with roses. Their beauty mesmerizes us. Their shapes - classic, spray, garden, ruffled, sweetheart; their colours - reds, oranges, yellows, greens, purples, pinks, white; their …