Flowers from a Florist

When you find yourself in need of flowers, there’s no shortage of options for where to find them. Your local florist, flower farms, farmer’s markets, grocery stores, corner shops and of course your own garden. All of them (yes, even the corner shop!) have their benefits. In the upcoming weeks we’ll look at each one separately. Today’s focus is …

Edible Candied Flowers

Edible flower decorations – what a treat! These candied flowers have such a dramatic impact on desserts, it’s hard to believe they’re so simple to make.

The first thing to do before trying your hand at making these, is to …

Floral Perfumes

Without a doubt spring and summer are the best time of year for fragrant flowers. They fill the air with sweet and spicy notes, bringing another layer of beauty into the world. One way to extend that beauty into the rest of the year is with perfume. Wearing perfumes with the scent of roses, jasmine, lily of the valley and peonies will lift your spirits even during the darkest of winter days. One little spritz will transport you back to …

Three Edible Flowers

Many flowers are edible. Using them in your baking, cooking, and beverages will add a layer of complexity and delight to your culinary creations making them uniquely tasty and beautiful.

Before you begin to experiment with edible flowers, take the time to learn which…

Three Flower Quotes

Writers, scholars, artists, and musicians make constant reference to flowers in their work. Their quotes can be sincere, inspirational, thought provoking or even funny. When I come across a quote I often think ‘this is my favourite’, but then …

A Love for True Blue Flowers

Our next step along the floral rainbow is the colour blue. Blue flowers benefit our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, by producing a calming effect that in turn slows down our metabolism and thoughts.

Only 10% of flowers come in the colour blue – that makes them …

Five Facts About Sweet Peas

Every month has a specific flower assigned to it – it’s ‘birth month flower’.

It’s April, the time when spring flowers really start to bloom. The flower for April is one that I’ve never actually seen blooming during this month – at least not where I live - but it does happen to be …

Yes, There are Green Flowers

St. Patrick’s Day is almost upon us, so as we continue our way along the floral rainbow, it’s the perfect time to focus on the colour green.

In general when we think of a bouquet, we think of the ‘green’ element as the foliage surrounding the flowers. But there are many varieties of flowers available in shades of green, ranging from…