Mary Kelava



Lovely Lavender

Lovely Lavender


Lavender – the magical herb. Loved by bees, butterflies and humans. It’s fragrant, calming and surprisingly versatile in the culinary world. 

Lavender has one of the most recognized floral fragrances. It’s mild, mellow, and sweet with herbal undertones, used in everything from perfumes, to sleeping aids, to cleaning supplies. I use a lot of lavender products. In fact, I have a whole ‘layers of lavender’ routine I use every evening before I go to bed. It’s definitely a favourite of mine.

Scientists are conducting ongoing research about the benefits of lavender.  Right now those studies include lavender’s effect on learning and memory, sleep and insomnia, anxiety and depression, and an assortment of aches and pains. 

Along with all the potential ways lavender can help make life healthier, there are also ways to use it to make life more beautiful. Here are some simple, creative ways to use lavender to enhance your home:

  • Create a relaxing atmosphere by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your diffuser. The soothing fragrance will slow down your heartbeat and relax your muscles, easing stress. 

  • Having a glass of prosecco or a gin and tonic? Add a fresh sprig of lavender to your glass to make your drink festive and extra tasty.

  • When it’s time to vacuum, sprinkle some dried lavender buds down first to add a fresh fragrance to your carpet.

  • Make a wreath of dried lavender for your front door. You’ll be uplifted by it’s beauty and fragrance every time you enter or leave your home.

  • Tie a bunch of lavender and eucalyptus together and hang it in your bathroom where it won’t get wet, but the hot steam will reach it. The scent wafting around will be so relaxing you’ll think you’re at the spa!

  •  For an easy, eye-catching centerpiece, take several small vases and put a few stems of fresh or dried lavender in each one and then randomly place them around your table.

And just for fun, here are some interesting facts about lavender:

  •  Most lavender comes in shades of purple or blue, but there are some varieties that are pink or yellow.

  •  In the language of flowers, the meaning for lavender is devotion.

  •  Nectar from lavender makes a delicious honey.

  • Lavender comes from the same family as mint

  •  The name lavender comes from the Latin verb, ‘lavare’, which means ‘to wash’.

What are your favourite ways to use lavender? In the upcoming weeks I look forward to sharing some lavender recipes with you. 




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