Mary Kelava



Top 3 Rules for Using Edible Flowers

Top 3 Rules for Using Edible Flowers

Edible flowers have an almost magical quality. They transform even the simplest cuisine into something special. Colourful petals sprinkled over your culinary creation provide a pleasing aesthetic that puts a smile on your face. Using dried flowers in your baking or savory dishes adds a unique hint of flavour that is a delight to your taste buds. But before you decide to ‘up your cooking game’ by grabbing a handful of flowers from your garden, or picking some petals off that beautiful bouquet you just received, remember – not all flowers are edible! When using flowers in your dishes, there are some important things you need to consider.  

Here are my top 3 rules for using edible flowers.

 1 – Never assume a flower is edible.  The first thing you need to do is identify the flower exactly. There are lists online that you can use to find out what varieties of flowers are edible. (I often use this one at West Coast Seeds .) If, after checking the list, you’re still in doubt about whether your flower is edible or not – don’t use it. It’s much better to be safe than sorry. Another thing you need to know is where the flower was grown. You do not want to use flowers that have been exposed to pesticides or chemicals; and you also don’t want flowers that have grown by the roadside and are covered with exhaust fumes. Organic is the only way to go. So choose from a home garden that has not used pesticides or chemicals, a reputable flower farmer, or a store that clearly labels their packages ‘organic’.

2 – Clean your blossoms. Wash and pat dry your flowers before you use them. If you’ve picked them from the garden, or bought them from a flower farmer, check for any little bugs that might be hanging on. Edible flowers are best used when first purchased or picked, but you can expand their life a little by storing them in an airtight container in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

3. Be aware of allergies. While flowers are a great addition to your cooking and baking, they’re still considered a danger to those with allergies. Always check with your guests. Again – better to be safe than sorry.

These are some basic rules. I can’t wait to share with you more information about edible flowers and especially some recipes that will take your cooking, baking, and beverages to a whole new level!

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