Mary Kelava



The Floral Rainbow

The Floral Rainbow

Flowers are an easy and affordable way to add a splash of colour to your life. When you look at a beautiful bouquet, the colour of the flowers will determine the emotion you feel. Every colour, from the deepest red to the palest purple, conveys a meaning and an emotion.

 I’ve always been drawn to the colour pink. For as long as I can remember it’s been my favourite colour. In fact I once had an all-black kitten that I named ‘Pinky’. So it probably goes without saying that I love pink flowers. They make me happy. If I ever have a choice – I choose pink.  But recently, with all that I’ve learned about colour psychology, I’ve become more open to other options.

Take yellow for instance. Yellow is not a colour I would usually choose for anything. But yellow is a colour that represents everything I love: happiness, optimism, joy, and friendship. How could I not be surrounding myself with yellow flowers, and basking in the message they send?

All colours portray a specific meaning and it’s important not to limit yourself to just your ‘favourite’ colour. There are colours that are energizing - red, orange and yellow. If you deal with fatigue, having flowers around you in these colours can give you a bit of zing. Then there are colours that are calming - light blue, pale purple and soft green. If you have trouble sleeping at night, try a vase with pastel-coloured flowers in the bedroom to set a relaxing mood.

We’re going to be working our way through the rainbow looking at each colour in depth; what each colour represents, what its benefits are, what message it sends and examples of flowers in that specific colour that are available each season throughout the year.

Stay tuned. Coming up first - red!

Top 3 Rules for Using Edible Flowers

Top 3 Rules for Using Edible Flowers

Flowers….good for the soul!

Flowers….good for the soul!