Mary Kelava



Boost Your Morning Mood With Flowers

Boost Your Morning Mood With Flowers

How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Did you drag yourself out of bed, not quite awake yet? Were you a little bit grumpy? Did you stumble into the bathroom, splash some water on your face, and still feel groggy? If you did, I feel for you. That’s not a pleasant way to start the day, especially if you feel like that every day. But all is not lost - flowers to the rescue!

If you’re not a morning person, recent research confirms that flowers might be the perfect pick-me-up. Seeing flowers in the morning can boost your mood, making you happier and more energetic - not only right away, but throughout the day.

When choosing flowers to boost your morning mood there are two main things you will want to consider - colour and location.

Colour: The colour of a flower generates specific moods. If you need energy in the morning choose bright, bold coloured flowers. Bright red or yellow, intense violet, and neon green are all excellent choices. These colours will grab your attention and make you feel more alert.

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Some flowers I like to use are daffodils, sunflowers, gerberas and tulips. All are ‘cheerful’ flowers and come in the bright colours that give energy.

Location: I don’t recommend putting a vase of brightly coloured flowers in your bedroom, because while you want to wake up and feel energized, you also want to be able to fall asleep at night. The two best places to have flowers to help you wake-up in the morning are the bathroom and the kitchen. Place a small vase on the bathroom counter. The brightness and freshness of the flowers will greet you as you walk in and get your day off to a good start. That feeling will continue as you walk into the kitchen and see another vase of flowers on the table - one that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

It’s important to remember - you don’t need to get fancy or spend a lot of money. A small bouquet in a glass jar, or a single stem in a bud vase is all that’s needed to get the positive, energizing effect that brightly coloured blooms have on your mood.

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