Mary Kelava



Yes, There are Green Flowers

Yes, There are Green Flowers

St. Patrick’s Day is almost upon us, so as we continue our way along the floral rainbow, it’s the perfect time to focus on the colour green.

In general when we think of a bouquet, we think of the ‘green’ element as the foliage surrounding the flowers. But there are many varieties of flowers available in shades of green, ranging from the softest mint to the most vibrant lime. 

Green is a fabulous colour that symbolizes life, renewal, nature, energy, growth, freshness, harmony and good fortune.  When green flowers are used in a bouquet, they add a wonderful contrast to the other colours, thus enhancing the overall look. Muted, soft shades of green pair well with pastel colours like baby blue and lavender, while lime green makes all the other colours in the bouquet pop.

 If you’re struggling with deciding what shade of green to use when, turn to nature and the seasons for clues.    

  • Spring: a time of renewal, so use a bright green combined with cheerful yellows to create an energizing feel;

  • Summer: hot and hazy, when the pace of life slows down, so use a soft shade of green paired with shades of lavender for a relaxing, mellow feel;

  •  Winter: icy and cold, use darker shades of green paired with red flowers and seasonal greenery to warm up your home and get into the festive spirit; 

  •  Fall: a time when nature is full of an abundance of textures, so use all different shades of green to create depth and interest, mimicking what’s happening outside.

 My favourite green flower is a hellebore, with the hydrangea a close second. You’ll also find roses, orchids, dahlias, zinnias, chrysanthemums, daylilies and gladiolus in various hues of green. You can pick the flower that is the right size, shape, and shade for the look you are going for.

Next time you are choosing flowers for a bouquet, pop a few green blooms in the mix and see what you think. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 


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