Mary Kelava

Everything about flowers

Travel Destinations With A Flower Focus

Travel Destinations With A Flower Focus


Flower Tourism: Traveling to see flowers around the world.

Rarely do you hear of someone planning a trip with flowers as the focus. 

But there are many destinations around the world that boast spectacular displays of wild or cultivated flowers. Here are five places to put on your wish list:

1 - Holland

  • Flower: Tulips

  • Meaning: Perfect love

  • Best time to visit: Mid-April to early May

2 - Provence

  • Flower: Lavender

  • Meaning: Devotion

  • Best time to visit: Early-mid July

3 - England

  • Flower: Bluebells

  • Meaning: Kindness

  •  Best time to visit: Mid-April to late May

4 - Azores

  • Flower: Hydrangeas

  • Meaning - Perseverance 

  • Best time to visit: Mid-August

5 - California

  • Flower: Poppies

  • Meaning: Remembrance/Restful sleep

  • Best time to visit: Mid March to late May

To note: ‘Best time to visit’ is based on the time of year the flowers have historically been in bloom. However, each year times may vary depending on weather and growing conditions.

Read more about travelling with a flower focus on my previous blog post ‘Time For A Flower-Filled Vacation’.

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