Mary Kelava

Everything about flowers

Say 'No' to Floral Foam - Here's Why

Say 'No' to Floral Foam - Here's Why


These days all industries - including the floristry industry - are working hard to be more ‘green’.

However, while most florists compost or green bin their natural material waste, many are still using materials harmful to the environment. Flowers are wrapped in cellophane, individual plastic packages of flower food are given out, and floral foam is being used in creating arrangements.

Awareness has begun, changes are happening, but there’s still a ways to go. 

When buying flowers (or arranging them yourself) one of the biggest things you can do to help the environment is say ‘No’ to floral foam.

What is floral foam?

Floral foam (often referred to as ‘Oasis’) is the green blocks of material florists use in their arrangements. When dry it feels like styrofoam and when wet it’s like a spongy foam. 

Why is floral foam used?

Flower arrangers use floral foam for three main reasons: 1 -to be able to place flower stems exactly where they want in an arrangement; 2 - to create a source of water for the flowers and foliage; 3 - for ease of transport as the arrangements are more stable when created with the floral foam.

What’s wrong with floral foam?

Floral foam is non-biodegradable, non-recyclable, and toxic. It doesn’t dissolve in water or degrade if composted. 

Floral foam breaks down into tinier and tinier pieces of plastic that contaminate our lands and waters for years to come. 

What can be used as an alternative to floral foam?

Education is happening in the floral industry. Alternatives to floral foam are being used and some florists now do all their designs ‘foam free’. Here are some suggestions for what can be used:

  • Armatures made of natural materials - sticks, stones, sand, or moss

  • Chicken wire

  • New on the market - a biodegradable product has come on the market - Agra-Wool 100% Natural Floral Foam

To keep the floral industry moving in the right direction, make sure to have conversations with your florist. As well as saying ‘no’ to floral foam, request your bouquet be wrapped in brown paper rather than cellophane.

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