All tagged christmas

Three Flowers for Festive Cocktails

A couple of months ago I was in England. One day we decided to visit Stratford-upon-Avon (the birth place of Shakespeare), and it just happened that there was a street fair showcasing local products . One of the vendors was a gin maker, (Pinnock Gin), and one of his gins caught my eye - it was the prettiest shade of purple. It turns out it was

The Poinsettia

December 12th is National Poinsettia Day, the perfect opportunity to share with you a Mexican legend that explains why the poinsettia is the flower of Christmas.

There was once a poor, young girl named Pepita, making her way to church on Christmas Eve. She was sad because she didn’t have a gift to present at the nativity to baby Jesus like the other children would. Her cousin reminded her that