Mary Kelava



The Poinsettia

The Poinsettia

December 12th is National Poinsettia Day, the perfect opportunity to share with you a Mexican legend that explains why the poinsettia is the flower of Christmas.

There was once a poor, young girl named Pepita, making her way to church on Christmas Eve. She was sad because she didn’t have a gift to present at the nativity to baby Jesus like the other children would. Her cousin reminded her that even the most humble gift, given in love, would be acceptable in His eyes. So Pepita, gathered a bundle of weeds from the roadside. As she presented the bouquet at the nativity scene, the common weeds miraculously turned into brilliant red blooms!! They became known as the ‘Flowers of the Holy Night’, what we call poinsettias.

 I first learned this story when I was a preschool teacher. Children are so inquisitive that as a teacher you tend to research a lot of things just to be able to answer all their questions. A random inquiry about the poinsettia led me to this legend. 

 Before I came across that story I don’t think I’d ever had a poinsettia during the holiday season - (Confession time: while I love flowers, I’m not very good with plants). But ever since then, I make sure I always have at least one poinsettia in my home. It usually only lasts a couple of weeks, but I find it reminds me of the lesson from the legend – it’s not about the value of the gift, but the thought behind it.

This lesson is something that can translate into giving flowers throughout the year. The smallest of posies will put a smile on someone’s face. A single bloom in a bud vase will brighten an environment. And just a small bundle of lavender will help create a calm relaxing atmosphere as you go to bed. So pick up a small bunch of fresh flowers for your home this week, and while you’re at it, perhaps also a poinsettia!

Here are five facts about poinsettias:

1 – In the language of flowers poinsettias symbolize good cheer and success; 

2 – The poinsettia is the highest selling potted plant. Red is the most popular colour followed by white and pink;

3 – Other names for the poinsettia are ‘lobster flower’ and ‘flame-leaf flower’;

4 – The ‘flower petals’ of the poinsettias are actually modified or specialized leaves.

5 – The poinsettia is originally from Mexico where it’s a perennial shrub that can grow 10-15 feet tall.


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