Mary Kelava



Meaningful Flowers For August Birthdays

Meaningful Flowers For August Birthdays


If you know someone with a birthday in August and want to give them some flowers, no matter what flowers you choose, they’re going to be well received. But why not make your gift extra special by choosing flowers with a meaningful message.

To help you make your flower choice, here is some information specifically related to the month of August:

Birth Month Flowers:

(Every month has a flower or two that represents it.)

Flower: Gladiolus Meaning: Strength of character

Flower: Poppy             Meaning Remembrance/Restful sleep


(Every zodiac sign has a flower that represents it.)

Sign: Leo          

Date: July 23 - August 22. Flower: Sunflower Meaning: Adoration

Sign: Virgo          

Date: August 23 - September 22. Flower: Buttercup. Meaning: Cheerfulness


(Use the colour of the birthstone as inspiration for what colour flowers to choose.)

Stone: Peridot. Colour: Light green

Seasonal Flowers:

(Every season has flowers that bloom locally in your area. Adding them into your choice gives your flowers a fresh feeling.)

Flower: Meaning:

Aster Patience

Cosmos Harmony

Dahlia Dignity/Elegance

Hydrangea Perseverance 

Nigella Independence/Prosperity

Sunflower Adoration

Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends

You don’t need to include all of these suggestions. Pick the ones that work best for the message you want to send, and you’ll have created a unique and meaningful gift for that lucky August birthday person.

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