Mary Kelava



Third Monday in January

Third Monday in January

Did you know the third Monday in January has been named Blue Monday?

What is Blue Monday you may be wondering. It’s a day that is supposedly the most depressing day of the year! (Sounds delightful, doesn’t it???)  

Before you get too worried about it, this is not something factually accurate, it’s a myth that the media created stating that this is the day people are feeling most let down after the holiday season and having eaten too much, spent too much, and have failed at their New Year’s resolutions.

I have no idea why this is something we need to have ‘a day’ dedicated to, but in truth, we should acknowledge that a lot of people do feel a bit down or in low spirits at this time of year. Perhaps for the above reasons, but also due to the shorter, darker days and the colder, wetter weather.

However,  you can counteract a case of the doldrums with something as simple as - you guessed it - flowers! 

It’s almost magical the way flowers make us feel better. Their colour, fragrance and freshness make an impact on us without us even realizing it. 

Here are my top 5 suggestions on how to use flowers to boost your mood:

1 - Have a small bunch of brightly coloured blooms on your bedside table.  When you see flowers first thing in the morning they give you an instant mood boost. Not only that, but that initial boost will make you feel happier and more energetic throughout the day.

2 - Have a vase of fresh flowers in the kitchen. A communal spot like the kitchen is a great place to have flowers so everyone in the family can enjoy them.

3 - Have flowers on your desk at work. Even a bud vase with one stem of flower will give you a cheerful pick-me-up every time you glance at it throughout the day. Research also shows that having fresh flowers at work can increase your productivity.

4 - Give a bouquet to someone. Giving someone flowers not only has a positive impact on the receiver but also on the one who gives them. This is such a great way to brighten someone else’s day as well as your own. 

5 - Choose flowers in your favourite colour for an extra boost. Flowers in a colour you love makes them extra special and will have an even bigger mood-boosting impact.

Having fresh flowers around you every day is a small step you can take to create a positive and uplifting environment for yourself, and those around you. 

Top tip: You do not have to have a big bouquet to reap the positive benefits of flowers. Consider buying one bouquet and dividing it into several vases, thus making your ‘flower dollars’ go further.

Bonus information: Because we are talking about Blue Monday, I want to share some information with you about blue flowers.

Only 10% of flowers come in the colour blue – that makes them the rarest of colours to find. But they do exist, so don’t buy any that are fake or dyed. ‘True blue’ flowers are definitely the only way to go. 

Blues can range in shades from soft and pale to rich and vibrant. What you choose, and what you pair it with can create an impact ranging from a peaceful calm, to a sophisticated elegance. 

Some of my favourite blue flowers are cornflower, tweedia, nigella, hydrangea and delphinium.  If you are unfamiliar with any of these, have a chat with your local florist who should be able to help you, or please message me with any questions. I’d also love to know your favourite blue flower.

There is so much to learn about flowers. My book, A BOUQUET OF WORDS, is packed full of information and will show you a new way to incorporate flowers in your everyday life. 

Click HERE to order A BOUQUET OF WORDS Express Yourself Through the Language of Flowers

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