Mary Kelava



The Floral Prescription - What It Is, What It Isn't, and What’s Coming Next

The Floral Prescription - What It Is, What It Isn't, and What’s Coming Next


I began The Floral Prescription blog in November 2019.  I wanted to create a place where flower-lovers could go to find information and inspiration about all things floral. Things like, how flowers have a positive effect on our well-being, exploring the language of flowers, learning about edible flowers, introducing flower-filled travel destinations, and delving into flowers in art, music, and literature. 

One topic I’ve always stayed away from is gardening. I purposely did this for two reasons: 1 - there is already so much information out there about growing flowers, and 2 - not everyone who loves flowers is also interested in gardening (myself included). 

Now sixteen months have gone by since I started The Floral Prescription, and along the way, something changed for me. While I still want my blog to be the ‘go-to spot’ for all things floral that’s not related to gardening, I DO want to learn to grow my own flowers. 

More and more lately, I’ve been wishing I had my own readily available source of local, seasonal flowers, and organically grown edible flowers, and I knew the best way to have them would be to grow them myself. And as fate would have it, as soon as I made that decision a community garden plot became available in my neighbourhood and I was lucky enough to have it allocated to me. My plan is to plant half of it as a cut-flower patch and use the other half to grow edible flowers.

This new venture I’m starting will not have much impact on my blog. I still believe there should be a place for flower lovers to go to get floral information that is not garden-related, so the majority of my blog will still have nothing to do with gardening. 

However, I do plan to document my ‘learn to flower garden experience’ on my Instagram stories. I hope you’ll enjoy following along with me as I try to grow cosmos and sweet peas, nasturtiums, and calendulas. I’m expecting to learn a lot along the way, hoping for not too many mistakes, and will be delighted if at some point this summer I have some flowers to cut and put in a vase, and others to sprinkle over a salad. 

This project is meant to help me learn and grow in new ways. I’m not switching from sharing about ‘all things floral, all year long’ to ‘how to start a flower garden’, but I am ‘practicing what I preach’ by finding ways to incorporate flowers into my life on a daily basis.

In other news, I want to let you know that I’m busy working away on my next issue of The Floral Prescription Magazine (April/May/June issue). I’ll be emailing it to all my blog subscribers during the first week of April. This is my way of thanking you for being part of The Floral Prescription. If you’re reading this and haven’t subscribed to my blog yet, all you need to do is fill in your email address in the ‘subscribe’ box on my website.

I appreciate each and every one of you who has supported me over the past 16 months. I love what I’m doing, I love what I’m sharing, I love what I’m learning along the way, and I love the plans I’m making for The Floral Prescription in the future.

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Top 6 Flowers for Easter and Their Meanings

Meaningful Flowers for Anniversaries

Meaningful Flowers for Anniversaries