Mary Kelava



Energize with Red Flowers

Energize with Red Flowers

I have a special memory of red flowers. When my husband and I had our first apartment, he would come home every week with half-a-dozen red carnations, put them in glass coke bottles, and place them all around the apartment. Nothing fancy -  single stems in recycled bottles - but that simple act created a happy memory that has lasted for years.

Flowers truly brighten up our lives, making us happier and healthier - in the moment, and through lasting memories. All flowers have this impact on us. But one thing to keep in mind when choosing flowers, is that each colour conveys a different mood. Once you understand what each colour is portraying, you can choose flowers that will help you create the feeling you are looking for. Today we’re going to focus on the colour red, and all that it offers.

The most popular red flower is the rose. Universally it’s understood that it symbolizes true love. This is a perfect example of how the colour of a flower can portray a specific message or emotion; a yellow rose, for example, would convey a different message than a red one. Let’s explore red flowers a bit deeper and see what other types of red flowers you can use and what moods you can create with them.

Red exudes energy. It’s fiery and passionate and represents love, courage, and strength. All red flowers have that indisputable energy, but variations of the shade can add another layer of meaning. It’s up to you to choose which shade of flower is right for you. Sometimes it’s tough to make a choice; but when I’m trying to make a decision I find great inspiration in nature. I’ll lead you through the seasons to show you what I mean.

Winter: When we think of winter we tend to think of a cold, barren, perhaps icy landscape. But if I say ‘crimson’ what pops into your mind? Holly berries, poinsettias, amaryllis, ilex – all of these thrive during the coldest season of the year and are iconic symbols of the holiday season.

Spring: Nature bursts into bloom in the spring with a plethora of floral choices. Tulips, sweet peas, ranunculus, begonia, petunias and poppies. All come in a bright, bold shade of red waking us up and getting us ready for whatever the longer days will bring our way.

Summer: The heat of summer slows things down, softening the shades of nature. Red is still abundantly available with dahlias, peonies and azaleas. When you spot them in the middle of a long hot day they add a bit of a pep to your step.

Autumn: This is the time of year which shines in golds and yellows – but reds are still prevalent. The warmth of chrysanthemums, anemones, gerberas and asters will make you feel cozy even as the days begin to chill.

Flowers are one of the best parts of any season, so turn to nature to soak up the strength and passion of red flowers all year long.

Next up on journey along the floral rainbow is orange and how it inspires enthusiasim, creativity and cheerfulness.

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