Mary Kelava



Flowers - at the Heart of it!

Flowers - at the Heart of it!

The heart of The Floral Prescription is the restorative nature of flowers on our mental, physical and emotional well-being. Up until now you may have thought of flowers as an indulgence, only for special occasions. But science has proven that flowers have undeniable benefits on our well-being so we should be thinking of them as a necessity!

I’ve broken down six ways in which flowers have a positive affect on us – mood, environment, anxiety, sleep, productivity, and memory. This is an overview to set us up for more in-depth discussions about each individual area in the weeks to come.

1 – Mood: Flowers boost our mood: Instinct tells us that flowers make us happy. Scientific studies have proven it. We can literally change our mood or someone else’s with fresh flowers. When you see flowers, the positive effect on your happiness is immediate. Your spirits will be lifted, and that in turn will improve your mental and emotional well-being for the rest of the day.

 2 – Environment: Flowers brighten our environment: It’s scientifically known that adding flowers to an interior promotes well-being. Flowers brighten up a space, creating a more positive atmosphere, making it more welcoming. Think of flowers as a form of natural art. They evoke emotions and feelings. And, like art, there is some strategy involved in where to place them to reap the most benefits. You don’t need to get fancy. There are simple tips and tricks I’ll share with you on how to best display your flowers and how to get the longest vase life.

3 – Anxiety:  Flowers decrease our anxiety: In a life that moves at a frantic pace, flowers provide a moment of calm. Research studies show that the presence of flowers can decrease anxiety, making them a must-have at home, work and in the classroom.

 4 – Sleep: Flowers improve our sleep: Some of us struggle with sleep every night and some just occasionally, but either way there are things you can do to improve your chances of having a good night’s sleep. Something as simple as having the right flowers in your bedroom can make a difference. While lavender has the best reputation as a soothing flower to help you relax, there are plenty of others. In the upcoming weeks I’ll share all the different varieties of flowers that are known to aid sleep and relaxation, as well as the specific ways to use them.

5 – Productivity: Flowers increase our productivity: Whether you work from home, in a small business or the corner office of a big corporation, research has shown that employees’ creative performance, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking improves when there are flowers in the environment. I’ll share with you specific ways to use flowers to promote your staff’s well-being and to make a connection with your surrounding community.

6 – Memory: Flowers strengthen our memory: Flowers, with their vibrant colours and fragrant scents, can conjure memories more than other objects. The memory of the sweet scent of flowers can cause a powerful emotional reaction. Creating these moments in childhood will strengthen your memory when you’re older. I can’t wait to share the research that has been done and the techniques you can use to promote a strong memory.

I look forward to not only sharing the research with you, but sharing how I’ve taken what I’ve learned and used it to promote a healthy, happy atmosphere in my own home.

Flowers….good for the soul!

Flowers….good for the soul!