Mary Kelava

Everything about flowers

A Dozen Flowers Even Allergy Sufferers Can Enjoy

A Dozen Flowers Even Allergy Sufferers Can Enjoy

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Allergy sufferers don’t despair. You may have thought you were doomed to a flowerless life, but fortunately, that’s just not true. There are many varieties of flowers you can enjoy without suffering the miserable symptoms of allergies. 

Below is my list of a dozen flowers for you to choose from. I’ve also included what each flower's meaning is.  Every flower has a special meaning attached to it and once you know what those meanings are, you can choose the perfect flower for every occasion. 

Here’s my list of a dozen hypoallergenic flowers and their meanings:

1 - Carnations - Admiration/Affection

2 - Daffodils - New beginnings

3 -  Hyacinths - Dedication/Sincerity

4 - Hydrangeas - Perseverance

5 - Irises - Faith, hope, wisdom

6 - Lilies - Beauty

7 - Lisianthus - Appreciation/Gratitude

8 - Orchids - Refined beauty

9 -  Peonies - Happy life

10 - Roses - Love

11 -  SnapdragonsGraciousness/Strength

12 -  Tulips - Perfect love

*A special note about lilies: Lilies have a strong scent which has made many people (myself included) assume that they are an irritation to allergy sufferers. They’re not. Lilies are a hypoallergenic flower.

PS: If you’re giving flowers as a gift, and you’re not sure if the person you’re giving them to has a flower allergy, err on the side of caution and choose flowers from my list.

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